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4. Contents
-Designing lectures, extracurricular activities to bring up the integrity education to school as a model to satisfy the requirement introducing the contents of prevention and combating the corruption   into education and training and fostering program according to the  Decision No. 137/QD-TTg signed on December 2, 2009 by the Prime Minister.
– Not only organizing an event that first happened in Ben Tre and the region as well as launching the new model, but also contributing to network formation, confirming the role and impact of extracurricular activities of integrity education for students and the youth of Ben Tre.
– Polling, sharing ideas through a voting contest; connection units of the same concerns, promoting initiatives to expand integrity education into school
– Meeting and exchanging typical individuals or groups that have many good initiative for the project of introducing the integrity education into school. For Ben Tre student, whereby spreading the inspiration to the whole country.
B. Main activities
1 – Diffusing instruction for exploiting materials on integrity prevention and combating in organs creative; with high reality by showing designed scenario-curricular lectures on integrity prevention and combating to students and youth, on after class time, the family and community.
2 – Mobilizing the masses to care on ideas, patterns, typical practice on integrity prevention and combating for students and the youth, to contribute to build a data source in the form of handbooks, CDR, extracurricular website educate for integrity prevention and combating for students and the youth at family and in community.
4 – International exchanging and meeting to inspire and promote the integrity prevention and combating to students and the youth in schools and communities.
5. Evaluation results
– Schools, organizations and individuals have a new look about students and the youth with integrity prevention and combating oriented stimulate creativity, affirming their faith in the National Anti-Corruption Strategy
– Creativity and potential applicability, easy to conduct and diffuse to apply on changing behaviors, promoting the and raising the efficiency of the main course from xtracurricular activities.
– Approaches, exploiting creatively and effectively the resource source of integrity prevention and combating for both national and international students and youth  
– The high interaction, connecting and  operating using the traditional method and modern one to bring integrity prevention and combating program into education, training and retraining.
– Designing lectures, scripted curricular activities closely orientated in he model of non-formal education to make a base to bring the content integrity prevention and combating program into education and training program.
During project implementation, the group conducted in consultation with the specialized agencies and the caveats of the community will organize activities to support  teachers, students and the youth the way to approach, participating effectively the competition, with the best possible care to ensure quality and project progress
6. Enhanced ability
Even during project implementation, the implementation team focuses on the ability to replicate from the popular model to other areas by selecting the point, modeling a cluster of communes, wards and then will implementing "rolling" to accelerate the application of information technology on communication activities, educational projects under the direction of "Proceeding to learn, just learn by doing." This is the replication environment after the project ends.
7. Feasibility
The project implementation will be last in one year, estimate of the total cost,  connection and mobilizing resources for implementation with high feasibility, compatible with peak movement at schools and building new rural,  development culture  district and city …
The project brings together the organizations in the field made mostly officials and teachers colleges came from Ben Tre
8. Creativity
– Toward to renew extra-curricular activities, the contest is an unprecedented model in Ben Tre.
– Through the contest, collecting, organization, forming a networking, to educate and guide to apply designed extra-curricular lectures on  integrity prevention and combating program to students and the youth
– Mobilization of elite cadres and teachers, retired teachers, students, active former students having  experience, creativity in dissemination, advocacy and guidance to apply integrity prevention and combating program in extracurricular activities at local. In addition, the project will not only provide a new approach but also identify targets for extra-curricular activities on integrity prevention and combating that is a channel to promote integrity prevention and combating education, this job is no happened  in Ben Tre before. A new feature of the project is awarding to the schools participating the contest an active, creative plan to organize basic level contests
– Special the award of the project is a new factor that attract attention and concentration many people; The main prize of the contest was a study tour program for 3 – 4 individuals who win the first prize in four tour expert level by learning tour on typical integrity prevention and combating model  overseas (expected Thailand ors Cambodia in June 24-29,  2012).
9. The results and the direct impact
The contest is expected to attract the participation of over 15, 000 students, teachers and citizens.
The contest is not only competitive but also encourage both the propagation of the new model, or how to overcome the limitations in teaching that have not  created a change in behavioral performance accountability in students. Thus, not only will direct lane to change the perception on the part of teachers, HSSV but also to the positive impact public awareness, especially on extra-curricular school for students.
10. Sustainability in terms of organizational and financial
-Ministry of Education has developed to the LAC in the school education in 11 schools participating in the project, with two pilot schools implementing the LAC education program of the Ministry of Education; this is promoting the contest conditions Designed for extra-curricular lectures GDLC for TTN to life. College of Ben Tre – key deployment scheme is well-organized staff training teachers, participate in activities HSSV comprehensive education and community volunteers.
– Lead compilations, professional training will be done College of Ben Tre, this is a task of the school; so that when Ben Tre colleges project management will take advantage of school resources on the deployment of a save operation, and science.
– Creative Youth Group has developed media plan to protect wildlife in Ben Tre; this is convenient channel integrated mining information system infrastructure (website), experienced volunteers, the relationship
relations and foreign connections.
– The scheme initially attracted the attention and support of our partners:
Out of the province
+ Canada Embassy in Vietnam – Main donor for the project through WB
+ Department of International Cooperation; Enforcement Division United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption, Government Ombudsman
+ For   Clear  Organization of Vietnam (TT)
+ Capacity Building Project in Vietnam volunteers (VDVN) of the Central Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh
+ SJ Vietnam Organization
+ LIN, Ho Chi Minh
+ Scholarship Fund Huynh Tan Phat, Ho Chi Minh
In the province
+ Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Ben Tre
+ Inspector Ben Tre province
+ Anti-Corruption Steering Committee of Ben Tre province
+ Department of Education, Ben Tre Province
+ Department of Information and Communication, Ben Tre Province
+ The Former Teachers Ben Tre province
+ Group of Ben Tre Province
+ Television and Radio of Ben Tre
+ Dong Khoi St., Ben Tre Province
+ Tran Tien Press
11. Project budget
Total cost of initial implementation of the project: 327760200 VND. Counterpart funds of the local: 39 000 000 VND. In particular, funds from the award program is VACI2011 288.760200 VND
(By: Tran Đong Phu- STT)